Shut up and eat your Engels-Flakes, you’ve got only 5 Minutes before you have to get your Gulag-Train-Wagon to Lenin School. I can’t allow that you come late to class again and fail Che Guevarology!
Conceived during a pagan ritual, raised with living history, educated on rpgs, self taught character artist, goth fashionista - severe case of anime protagonist syndrome
Shut up and eat your Engels-Flakes, you’ve got only 5 Minutes before you have to get your Gulag-Train-Wagon to Lenin School. I can’t allow that you come late to class again and fail Che Guevarology!
It’s from… “Nondescript White-Ethnocentric Nostalgia Family with Canned Laughter” Good show
In the right communities, yeah, but lemmy is highly fragmented
I bet OP thinks that Ben Shapiro qualifies as “thinker”
That was the act that most home computers and internet connections weren’t that powerful yet, and when I was loading some old flash games I played back in the day recently, they were so absurdly fast.
Oh it was already- Before Chrome became popular. When Chrome came out, only weird people used it. All my friends were FF kids.
They’re not utterly fascist, you can’t do that to the last remnants of sanity left over in the states
the verb is aesthetical “It’s not aesthetically pleasing”
alt adults also do
“the aesthetic” was always a noun, dude
I heard we tried that in some German Cities way back in the 80ies or even late 70ies, but the technology wasn’t that far yet and the overhead cables would get damaged when the buses engaged them, sometimes leading to complete outages of the tram network, and as such it was scrapped again. Glad to see that other places took it on later, we could really need that right now.
Emo is very specific sub genre of punk, but yeah, even the goths were very dressed down in 2000’s and emos and goths looked really similar
I’ve seen this movie, it won’t work and all that happens is we’re getting put in a closed off psychiatric ward and get chemically lobotomised.
Important: Unprocessed fruits, if you drink them as smoothies, the fibre won’t do much if it’s blended down to mush.
You do, it just takes an absurd amount of time and precision to morph that blob into something adequate
Sure it is, but I think that’s still better than if every individual needs to drive their own car through half the country to buy coffee. Shipping needs to happen in any way. Sure we could order less stuff from the internet, so individual house door shipping would be less, but that’s a drop in the ocean, compared to the other named factors
Pure 2000’s web experience. Next someone shares high quality indy flash games and Cuboy get’s a new installment…
There are enough independent journalist networks out there, but they only inform, there is usually little to no capability for discourse, so yeah
Yeah exactly. Once the Zucc also reaches out for Tumblr, the last bastion of “Ugh, we don’t want Corpos here”, we’re done. We need to stop both Eloy and Zucc even before that. The Fediverse needs to fight an active war, we’re already living the Cyberpunk Dystopia.
Bro, there are more pet animals in shelters than people wanting them and breeders still breed more. What do you do if you have a thousand dogs, growing more, in animal shelters? Build more shelters? Or do you start breeding people who want to adopt dogs?