I remember 10 years or so ago working with a guy who was trying to sell me on the wonders of Eclipse. “It writes all this boilerplate for you!” I was more interested in writing in languages that were less shit and required less boilerplate.
Why is it election day anyway, why not election month. California and Oregon have vote by mail; every state should
The boobs on that dude on the left.
Make an ass-hair mullet!
Stop trying to make brainrot happen. It’s not going to happen.
I’m in this picture and I don’t want to be.
Stop resisting!
Devops is going the way of qa too.
This is the first rule of sales. It is not important or necessary to be the best. It is only necesaary to be slightly less shitty than your nearest competitor.
https://spaz.radio alluded to here
What’s wrong with socialism? I like socialism.
The venn diagram of furries and cybersecurity experts has long been nearly a circle