I think he was hoping for something better than Amazon, as opposed to worse.
Mind the shavings
I think he was hoping for something better than Amazon, as opposed to worse.
Just ask Elon
Luigi did have that entire parallel adventure in paper mario: the thousand-year door.
We all bought a free subscription to it for life with our data that they stole before we even had a sense of it being a problem.
Some comments are dumb enough to get a user block after just one comment!
That’s funny, he’s the one who’s not a completely fucking disgusting prick. I don’t like him, but he’s not actively a terrorist or anything, that I know of.
Don’t put a shithead’s message in the headline. It spreads it. Headlines must be true, not false.
Look up George Lakoff videos, everybody.
At a certain point I have to admit that I’m the asshole here for continuing to be on the side of Team Humanity.
Give Ukraine nukes and the finger guns before January.
The blame the Democrats deserve is secondary by about a half marathon. There’s nazis about, boy!
And that still leaves room for a lot of blame. But no, the underperforming firefighters are not at fault for the fire, the arsonist is.
Hmm. Interesting. Unity and purity do tug in opposite directions.
What a kind gesture.
My knife just says weeeee when it cuts vegetables.
Different brands maybe?
Successfully millions of times, unsuccessfully once.
Bless you.
Generally, the more people vote, the more republicans lose. “Get out the vote” is an anti-republican message in effect, which republicans know and it’s why they try to stop people from voting.
Instead of, you know, being electable.
It’s kind of sad it ever caught on. The real stuff is fleeting and incredibly pleasant. Bob Ross seems to be the leading cause of it. The intentional stuff is, by definition, terrible.
The message was too good for the image to also be of high quality.
What’s worse, committing genocide, or somebody correctly pointing out you’re committing genocide???1? really makes you think
Like if you watched to the end and you will have seven years of good luck.