Regex is Turing Complete after all.
Regex is Turing Complete after all.
Oh so its just referring to writing the mod’s code in the same file the mod is declared in being bad form? That seems very reasonable; since the point of a module is code separation so it makes sense to always put it in its own file. Good, I’m already doing that at least!
I don’t understand how to follow this bullet point that I was replying to.
do not use mod unless it’s test for the current module. No I don’t want to Star Wars scroll your 1000 line file. Split it.
I already know what mod does in a basic sense, I wanted to know what the commenter meant by this.
I don’t know enough Rust to understand by what you mean by the last one. My understanding was that mod name
was just declaring the module that this file depends on. Could you explain what I should do instead? Since your other statements I totally agree with, I should probably agree with the last one.
I’ve used 4k and 1440p monitors, and my TV is 4k as well. For desktop use, 4k isn’t really a big difference because of the hardware needed to run it at a decent speed. However, once I got my hands on a 170hz 1440p monitor, I can’t go back to anything less. It’s extreme noticeable. The higher refresh rate, and the reasonable upgrade in pixel density makes text much clearer, especially in motion.
For content viewing though, 4k on a TV it depends on how much of your field of view is occupied by the TV. Most of time though, a high quality panel is worth much more than higher pixel density. There is a massive difference between a basic 4k big box store TV, and 4k LG oled. The color, even outside of HDR content is just so much better, and the true actual black color is fantastic. Resolution is nice, but honestly, oled color is so good.
If the price of labor was what determined the price, then why have prices gone up, when labor prices have not?
Bash being on the same level as actually fake code is a pretty hot take to me. What are your opinions on Python, or Ruby, or any other interpreted language? You could very well use them as your login shell, just like Bash if you wanted. In your eyes, if Bash *isn’t * a programming language at all, how do you describe a programming language? Languages that express code are just the same as languages that write stories, and whether you do it in German or Vietnamese makes no difference on what story you can write.
When you describe a language as constricted what do you mean? Bash can do anything Python or Rust can do, each of them is just specialized to being better at specific aspects for human convenience in writing code. There is no inherit limitation on what can be done by the language you use to express it.
Pseudo code is literally fake code. Scripting is an actual type of code. Scripted languages while not strictly defined, usually refers to languages you don’t compile before running them. Bash is considered a scripting language because you don’t ship a binary compiled executable, but rather ship a file that is human readable and converted into machine code when it is run. Scripting languages are compared to compiled languages, like C or Rust. Where the file you run is already compiled, and executed directly.
What do you mean by this?
i’m referring to the aspect of a scripting language being generally constricted.
Any Turing complete system, or this case language, can do anything any other one can, depending on the level of suffering you are willing to endure to make it happen. Anything JS can do, Rust can do. Anything Rust can do, Bash can do. The differences between languages is the assumptions they make, and performance characteristics as a result of those assumptions. Functionality is not practically different from one another, though some absolutely make it easier for humans to do.
The best solution to that situation is just a more vigorous application of XGH.
You missed the point of my example entirely. How can those commits exist, and those people exist in that instance if they don’t have accounts? I was refuting your statement that a frontend needs an account. By mirroring an existing repo, as an example, you could verify that my claim is correct. Git as platform is already decentralized and doesn’t require accounts. You could email someone your git diff’s and it will function the same.
You need a frontend
Yes, but the requirement of said frontend are very small.
and a frontend needs an account.
Not required at all actually. For example, mirror a github repo in gitea. You’ll see all the commits, their messages, and who made them. Yet that gitea instance isn’t accessible publicly. None of those people have an account, and none of them can login even if they could access the instance. A commit is just attached to a name, that is user configurable, and a lot less data minable than a “real” account.
Vegans for OpenTofu brought a smile to my face immediately, I shall hopefully remember to use this when it comes up.
Whitespace is not visible. It is the absence of something that is visible. Whitespace should be used for the comfort of the reader, not to determine scope. Are you proposing that a " " character is more visible than “{}”? The fact I must quote it to make what I am discussing even apparent speaks for itself. I’m not arguing that indentation is bad, far from it. In fact, the flexibility of using indentation purely for readability, makes code more readable.
Surely tar --help
is a valid tar command, right?
I agree, whether or not it is good or bad, or readability concerns over nested braces. I fundamentally hate invisible delimiters. If it matters, make it visible. We have so many ascii characters, why not just borrow a few?
You still use keys?
I use pgup/pgdn every day. Especially with terminal multiplexers, as I am unaware of how to view the scrollback buffer of long outputs faster than a quick couple of pgup’s.
People were uploading, and still are. Uploading a video for my friends, or a school project which needs no return open platforms work perfectly. Irrelevant to my point.
Companies/Content Creators are on the platform because it pays them. If being on youtube did not pay them, they would go to a platform that did, eg twitch, tiktok.
Peertube doesn’t give ad revenue sharing, so most content creators can’t afford to make content for a platform with no return. If someone was uploading a video for their friends, or a school project, then sure, open platforms are perfect.
I can’t seem to find it, but I think it was James Gosling, where he was blocked from reviewing code at Google because he hadn’t gone through the company’s approval process. I hope this wasn’t a myth I’ve been carrying on for this long.