Perfsct <3
Perfsct <3
Ok, didnt know its called like that.
How is it a fucking “campaign”??
But we want autosafe, like libreoffice on my desktop.
And this takes more time than the wasted time on information in such videos
Is it tha same feeling when you’ll read:" The billionaire family, was given a early prison leave, because they were behaving nice. How could yo put these poooor souls in prison for two weeks!!!"
Because you will read this in two weeks in some small regional paper.
He ate the rest before he could do a photo
And muscles, and bones and hair
Watch for the bombs bro!
Hey man, his son has nothing to do with this!
Please give me an affiliate link! I need my dayly dose of trackers!
Its faster, the (still, and hopefully fictional) scenario where Israel continues at tbe same killrate.
Wikipedia says 180,000 in afgahnistan and around 150,000-200,000 in Irak
That would be more deaths bud.
I dont know why we have this discussion, but both is horrible and there is no justification of killing civillians at any rate.
I never said better. Its fucked up compared to really fucked up.
You keep justifying the USs shit to feel better? The same thing are the Israelis doing probably.
Nobody wants to be the Genocide maker.
Keep on living your life, thinking that the US killing civillians is somehow better than Israel killing civillians.
I did the math, few comments above.
When Israel goes on like this they will have 130,000 deaths per year, so they could go on for 3 years and be up with the same numbers as the US after 9/11.
Its just faster, and would be horrible. So I just hope the killing will end soon, and that you see then how fucked up the US strategy after 9/11 was. Israel uses the same argument as the US.
Yeah, you could assume, there you are right. But it still didnt happen, I hope they will stop any second, but thats just wishful thinking.
But just to see what the US did…
Israel could go on for almost 3 years like this and would have the same death toll then the US because of 9/11.
And thats sick. What the US did is sick, same as what Israel is doing now.
The US killed 20-30 times more in Irak and Afgahnistan. And I would say that 20 years of war is another horrifying factor.
If you look at the rate than /month israel killed more.
But even if you look /year the 9/11 war with 20,000-30,000 deaths ist still much more compared to 11,000 this year from israel…
So you say 200,000-300,000 deaths in 20 years is better that 11,000 in one month?
I really dont fucking know how americans can justify bullshit like this.
Its 20,000-30,000 dead people a year, I know its not like 11,000 in a month, but I really hope that israel is going to stop soon.
Does it make it better that the US killed hundred of thousands in 20 years, than when killed in 2 years?
Killed civillians are killed civillians, in a matter of 20 years or 2 this is irrelevant.
Dont forget the afgahns… Another 160.000
Freedom of ways to die