but stackoverflow how i fixy the brokey!
Heh… but Javascript is so permissive you can just start writing psuedocode and it’ll probably be valid!
for(i=0;i<100;i++){ console.log("Yep") } console.log("uh-huh")
Like Dave from Storage Wars?
“Uh huh.”
const notThree = 1 + '2';
And it will do… something.
Perhaps more than one thing, who can know?
People should be able to do this, at least for simple programs. We used to do it all the time.
Everyone should be able to do a hello world without IDE
deleted by creator
Hello World isn’t that difficult to write.
He never said it had to be a useful program.
NP, dude. As someone who learned JavaScript in the dark ages, when IE had to be a consideration for everything you did, writing a JS program now is trivial.
MDN ftw, screw stackoverflow.
MDN is better at everything than w3school, except for SEO.
Yeah… Then again I just use the DuckDuckGo bang
and it searches MDN directly.There’s also devdocs.io which can be indispensable when using a lot of popular utility libraries and frameworks in the same project. Just having a single page with all the relevant docs is just a real blessing.
Any time I need to learn something about JS, I go to W3Schools to wrap my head around the basics, then over to MDN for current best practice.
I remember visiting W3S like 10-15 years ago when first learning DOM manipulation etc at uni. But nowadays there’s nothing it can give me that MDN can’t, that I need to know.
I think I’d be okay up until you pulled intellisense, at which point I would literally deflate like a balloon.
Dude JS is ez cmon.
Do it in php and say its JavaScript, most people don’t even know that there is a difference.
“Every time you try to run your code the pendulum will drop lower until…”
Extremely loud crash as pendulum is rocketed into the ground by all the failed run attempts
Var x = 1+“two”
Done! I did it. I wrote a program.
Not gonna run with those capital letters
It was never specified to run without errors.
console.log("You had one job.");
Do people not read books anymore?
He got so upset he put on glasses and grew facial hair!
Because that’s how long he’s been trying to solve it
hello world (: (smiley being the wrong way was on purpose)
var a = 0