I’ve seen some people getting genuinely uncomfortable at the recent discourse. Just wanted to point out there’s more than one kind of weird.
I’ve seen some people getting genuinely uncomfortable at the recent discourse. Just wanted to point out there’s more than one kind of weird.
i dont think now is the time to be muddying the waters. conservatives dont need the assist, youre just giving them an out
Do they accept being called weird? I think you give them entirely too much credit… but that’s just my opinion.
no, they absolutely dont. but giving them an option of ‘good weird’ is going to derail that
I think the point is that Republicans detest the idea of being weird no matter what, so they would rage at the suggestion of being a good weird anyway. To them “good weird” is an oxymoron, even though they are actually very weird and not in any kind of good way.
yeah that makes sense. i was envisioning them attempting to ‘own’ it by jumping into ‘good weird’ with both feet.
but as someone else pointed out also, thats prolly giving them too much sefl-aware credit
They’ve been bullying the good weirdos for decades, there’s no backtracking now!
I get that. I don’t think they’re capable of that level of self reflection. To them, weird is BAD. It’s being a part of the “out” group, which is anathema to them.
It doesn’t matter. Convservativea cannot accept the notion of a “good weird” because it removes all justification from their beliefs. The whole conservative belief system is founded on the notion that there is an effective normal and that normal must be protected from those that would upset it.
They cannot say they’re the “good kind of weird”, because that means admitting that weird can be good. And if weird can be good, they have no ground to plant the roots of their beliefs in. They have to be normal, because if they’re weird, all the time they spent attacking others for being weird in the defence of what’s normal doesn’t make any sense. Calling themselves the good kind of weird is a complete 180 on what it means to be conservative and alienated a massive portion of their voting base who only vote conservative because they see people who are “just like them”, not weirdos who are willing to redefine sex and gender, or question historical narratives.
The “weird” angle of attack has been so effective because it deconstructs the very notion of what it means to be a conservative. Giving them an out through the “good kind of weird” doesn’t change that.
this is a fantastic point, thank you!