Was political correctness what got Looney Tunes out of the mainstream? I’d wager it was Warner/HBO being greedy once streaming became a thing. That, and kids these days don’t care for that animation style compared to the high contrast/saturation visual slop that’s prevalent nowadays, but ya know, get off my lawn.
Kids nowadays still appreciate the old cartoons. At least mine. That was them the other day:
Now do one for SpongeBob
I had no idea they changed up the SpongeBob style until I was working at a client’s house while their kids were watching, and was real confused as the why it looked so weird until their mom, who was my age, told me what was up.
Why looney toons when you can watch season 27 of Big Mouth ™ on Netflix ™
kids these days don’t care for that animation style compared to the high contrast/saturation visual slop
It’s more that it’s WAYYY cheaper to do a live action remake of whatever old story and get millions than to spend years animating by hand
No the meme is trolling. PC didn’t have anything to do with it.
I dunno, some of those old cartoons were pretty dated even when I was a kid
some were a bit sexist, but you can’t tell me roadrunner and coyote were politically incorrect, for example. even if they had one incorrect skit, it could easily be removed. maybe it was the violence that got too much for kids tho
Political correctness my ass. Warner took it off the air. If you put the money you still got it served in dolby atmos 4k remaster. Don’t come with false narratives to hit on the ones that fight for thier rights.
True dat. Companies make old shit harder to find so their new shit doesn’t have to compete with it.
beep! beep!
Tried to walk there through my phone. It didn’t work either and think I broke my nose
No trash on the street, clear unpolluted air, a touch of green - no way this is actually real!
Remember kids, gravity only kicks in once you look down.
Tunes. Looney Tunes.
Nor will know the origins of the Portable Hole, or that if you walk off a cliff you won’t fall until you realize you’re in midair.
I don’t think the term political correctness means what you think it means. :-)