Same could be said about other distros, btw ;)
I use arch, btw.
Arch is filming
Native English speaker here, what does “shaddy” mean?
It’s not an English word. Its use here is most likely a misspelling of “shady”, which means disreputable, questionable, or possibly up to no good.
I know we should not objectify people, and I rarely do.
That said… As a heterosexual man I got to say that this is one of the first times I have truly seen how handsome Elvis was. God damn.
Why is Colbert doing security for Elvis?
Was Elivis considered particularly versatile?
He knew karate and was an actor, I guess
I seem to remember he also did some singing.
No way. The guy who died on the toilet?
Singing while 🎶 searching for yooouuuuuuu, in the cold Kentucky raaaaaaiiiiaaaaaaaiiiiaaaahhhaaaahhaaaaahhaaaaiiiiinnnn.🎶
I was unaware that Debian had a thing for 14 year olds.
Trixie is 13
So much misinformation on the internet smh
This is one of my favorite photos on the Internet
you forgot: the lfs masochist