All European universities are like that
- old building from 19th (or 17th, or 16th) century
All the best architects from the middle of the 20th century used concrete heavily because it got new properties and they were seeing what artistic expression they could get with it.
So, all the copy-cats from the middle to the end of the 20th century used concrete heavily on the most stupid way. There’s no conspiracy there, just incompetence.
Concrete is not a material that ages well, especially when used for exteriors. Architects are infamous for ignoring material properties if it looks good when new.
We should start building with Roman concrete again…
Concrete is not a material that ages well
Lmao WHAT. That’s like one of its main benefits, besides being cost effective as all hell.
Completely agree. Especially less good architects couldn’t deal with it’s limitations. Concrete isn’t some indestructible wonder material—exposure to harsh weather and exhaust fumes leads to cracking, corrosion, and a dreary look if it isn’t properly engineered and maintained. So many old concrete buildings look shitty
I hate how accurate this is
I love Brutalism, even if I’m the only person who does
It can look really nice.
You’re definitely not, the r/brutalism subreddit had a lot of subscribers, probably still does, so I’d be surprised if there’s not a migrated community on lemmy.
Drag likes brutalism too
Idk maybe Hungary is an exception but we have some beautiful looking universities in here or just ones which aren’t brutalist.
+10 pont turulfendérnek !
This meme sucks