The mimetic polyalloy, as its name suggests, allows a Terminator to change into any shape or form that it touches, provided that the object is of similar mass.
Ahnold with one of those white mushroom hats and an apron.
Puts the tray of confections in the kitchen counter - “Ah’ll be back…”… returns with one of those cones with a bag that squeezes out vanilla cream custard.
This just reminded me of the scene with the T-1000 posing as John’s foster mother, which was a really great scene, but it meant he was literally just standing there cooking dinner waiting for John to come home or call lmao.
Imagine if this worked on T-800s
T-1000 would be even better so you could turn it into a cupcake
Gonna be one hella dense cupcake.
Or just a really big one.
I support this.
We’re assuming in its human form it roughly has human mass?
It works with ED-209 😉
Where was that in the movie? You have five seconds to comply.
Can’t comply. I’m a cupcake.
But you can type? I’m starting to believe you’re not really a cupcake
How do you think they hacked them in the movie? Plug in pc and run something like this
Ahnold with one of those white mushroom hats and an apron.
Puts the tray of confections in the kitchen counter - “Ah’ll be back…”… returns with one of those cones with a bag that squeezes out vanilla cream custard.
This just reminded me of the scene with the T-1000 posing as John’s foster mother, which was a really great scene, but it meant he was literally just standing there cooking dinner waiting for John to come home or call lmao.
He was play acting as his foster mother, because his foster father was there.
He killed the foster father as soon as the gambit of the dog’s name came into play.