You’re too young for irreparable back problems. Work on your posture and also try to strengthen those core muscles.
My back suuuucks. Losing weight + stretching + foam roller + working out more led to the most-satisfying, deepest back/neck/body cracks imaginable. It still sucks, but the overall pain decreases once you get through the early workout pains.
Was there.
Less weight is less stress on all your body.
Less joint pain. More flexibility/mobility.
Keep it up!
Meanwhile my cat:
“Hey. Heeyyyy. Heeeeeeyyyy! Hey slave, where’s my food? Where’s my food slave? Do you not know wtf time it is?? We do this every day. Are you fucking dense? Stupid slave. ‘WeLl YoUrE tHiRtY FiVe MiNuTeS EaRlY’. DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT!? You should just know! I’m gonna be here eventually. You know this. So why is my food not ready and waiting for me the moment I arrive? Slaavvvveee. Are you listening to me?? Where is my food you useless twat!?”
Cat, winding around and under legs and feet: “hurry up!”
Me: trips over cat, falls and breaks a hip
Cat, eating from fallen bowl: “Finally! But why’s it such a mess? And you almost messed up my fur, flopping down like that. Stop moaning and groaning, I like quiet while I eat.”
All I got was toxoplasmosis.
Every second without back pain is a lucky second. String enough of those lucky seconds together and you have a lucky minute.
30 is young. Back pain is mostly a collection of chronic pain symptoms that don’t correspond to meaningful harm or damage. You’re probably not in need of “healing” because there’s probably nothing actually wrong with you. You’re not broken; you’ve just trained your nervous system to produce a pain sensation because you’re hyper fixated on it.
I don’t know why all these memes are coming up that contribute to this idea that being over 30 means you’re somehow disabled. You’re probably not, and perpetuating this idea is decidedly unhelpful, even in a joking context.
When I turned 30 I committed to taking fitness seriously. I reached a higher level of physical fitness and athleticism than my younger and less disciplined self could have managed. I was able to perform on an much higher level in my chosen occupation, which was performance based and exceptionally difficult physically, and because I did more strength training I had the ability to inoculate myself from injury. Basically, I feel better than ever because I started taking this stuff more seriously.
You have agency, too.