Y’all need more fiber in ya life
My toilet paper is already practically a pillow, how many more fibers do you want?
It has to go through you!!!
Instructions unclear, i ate all the toilet paper.
Wish I hadn’t used it first.
Well at least it’s recyclable.
I have IBS. Might as well ask us if we’ve tried yoga.
Well, have you?
FYI, ‘have you tried yoga?’ In chronic illness speak means ‘can I offer you unsolicited advice with the undertones of presuming that you have not tried to the best of your abilities to cure yourself of an incurable disease that has not even come close to be fully treatable?’
Not saying that’s what OP said, just saying thats how it comes off to most non-chronic illness sufferers.
Ok, but have you tried essential oils?
Also water. If you eat a bunch of fiber without water… believe it or not, also constipation.
A person of experience eh
No, he needs a squatty potty. I can’t believe nobody else in these comments has mentioned them.
Fuck, I forgot what a cult following those weird things have.
It’s not a weird cult following? Humans have been squatting to shit for millennia. It’s just a return to our roots because it’s what works…
No, I meant the squatty potty people end up popping all over the place to mention how good they are. There was a lot of it on Reddit especially, back when they were new.
Now they’ve all been replaced by people expounding on the pleasures of bidets…
No they need fiber and water if they are struggling.
And how do you deal with corn then? 🌽
Wash it off and toss it in the next pot of chili!
Corn? I don’t remember eating corn!
You sure about that?
I don’t think that’s going to help the lactose intolerance and potential IBS.
This is more like has an intense case of food poisoning or something rather than a regular BM.
That’s right, show that turd who’s boss!
Yeah, that’s it! You show that turd who’s boss.
(since nobody seems to know, this is a scene from the Prisoner, which is what “who does #2 work for” is a reference to)
I’m pretty sure this is a reference to Austin Powers, where he’s giving the Irish hitman a swirly in a casino bathroom and yelling “WHO DOES NUMBER 2 WORK FOR” while a gambler played by Tom Arnold in the next stall is trying to encourage him on.
You are correct. But what Austin Powers was referencing was this scene from The Prisoner. Top notch 60’s TV!
The mvp is in the comments of the comments
That’s not my bag, baby
Deep cut! I first heard of and saw that show in college. It’s great!
It wasn’t a show, it was a movie.
I think they’re referring to the Prisoner, not Austin Powers.
Vegans. Plants = Fiber.
Animal products have no fiber.
Some people are blessed with normal bowel movements with average amounts of fiber. We participate in a CSA so have dozens of pounds of veggies every week. Every meal is veggie heavy. My body doesn’t care, it’s a lazy ass.
The average American gets only about half the recommended amount of fiber.
Animal products can have fiber if it is either forcemeat like chicken and apple sausages but on its own only plant foods have dietary fiber
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I literally said that in the comment. Look at how the sentence ends.
When you take your pants off mid-shit, you know it’s a life or death situation
Or when you preemptively take off your shirt.
Wait a sec… Is it me or did he forget to open the lid on the toilet?
That’s the fighting part
That’s just the seat.
That’s why we call it bathroom.
Speak for yourself.
I call it Badezimmer but for similar reasons
I am convinced that of all the secrets of the world that the elder generations hadn’t passed onto us…taking a fiber supplement is the biggest improvement to daily life.
Bananas are great too
True. Went to a farmers market and bought a bunch cuz they were cheap. Stupid ass me decided to eat then and there. Thirty minutes later I was blowing red lights to try to reach a safe place to drop der UberDeuce. I swore that the toilet was screaming at me for a week after that
Yeah, bananas help solidify it. They are also mildly antacid. I’ll take that over fighting for my life after enjoying a tasty hot sauce!
Can confirm. Have Crohn’s.
Can confirm. Have Crohn’s, and I just stopped at home in the middle of my route because I couldn’t hold it anymore…
Yeah, I have celiac and all I think when people reference epic toilet struggles is “hmm, either you don’t eat any fiber or… you may have a serious health problem”
I once was really tired in a mall and went to the (public) toilet just to sit my ass down and hide from people.
Im in this exact position while reading this.
Take the corn OFF the cob next time dumbass
Because you won’t eat your fresh veg.
I’ve had about three number twos in my life where I’ve literally started to feel faint, sweating profusely, and expelling non-solid matter.
It could be fibre or it could be all the pain meds I was abusing, suffice to say it’s not fun.
Oh that’s exactly my position the morning after a “Hot ones” evening!
Its not called a restroom because of that, silly…
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Excuse me what
Hopefully this will help explain it:
Are males disgraced?🙂 I have a doubt how wont be male nude nsfw?
It sure didn’t.
Well, I’m all out of ideas.