Maybe they were referring to the Microsoft Halloween documents? Which were leaked on October 31 and was basically a manifesto against FOSS in general and specifically against Linux calling it “communist” software.
On the one hand, rare Microsoft w to help users transition to their competitor.
On the other, they kinda yadda yadda over probably the biggest and most important part: choosing which of the billion distros is best for your needs and preferences…
The distro choice isn’t that difficult, as if you have experience with Linux you know what you need, and if you don’t, just choose any beginner-friendly distro (probably Ubuntu flavors and Mint).
It would be funny if they struck a deal with Canonical to start offering an upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 using some of the same dark patterns they use with Windows 11
I mean, what do you expect them to say?
“Time to install Linux, here’s how you chose a kernel:”
Well …
If I was responsible I’d learn about that stuff now but that sounds like an October 13 problem tbh
Get that dual boot going, you can learn now and switch later.
I got a dual boot going so I could try Linux and have a windows fallback. Mint went so smoothly for me I never used my windows boot.
Same. I took the plunge a few weeks ago and have been super happy. Got my wife switched over too, now just my kid is left
You’re right, I was just reluctant because my PC is really old and I was worried adding more stuff would just make it even more sluggish.
I asked my favorite AI and it told me not only was that wrong, but the opposite is probably true lol
Yep, linux runs way lighter than Windows and will probably run much snappier than you expect.
What is October 13, besides being the day before my birthday?
Maybe they were referring to the Microsoft Halloween documents? Which were leaked on October 31 and was basically a manifesto against FOSS in general and specifically against Linux calling it “communist” software.
Oct 14 is last day of support for security updates without paying extra.
Oct 15 will be the day of Linux for sure
Innit 😂
Why does this exist lol
On the one hand, rare Microsoft w to help users transition to their competitor.
On the other, they kinda yadda yadda over probably the biggest and most important part: choosing which of the billion distros is best for your needs and preferences…
The distro choice isn’t that difficult, as if you have experience with Linux you know what you need, and if you don’t, just choose any beginner-friendly distro (probably Ubuntu flavors and Mint).
It would be funny if they struck a deal with Canonical to start offering an upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 using some of the same dark patterns they use with Windows 11