There are a lot of them. If you look at a map of North America circa 1950 you’ll see that the vast majority of the interior is French territory. The only reason that it’s under American control now is that the British took it from the French in the 7 years war. The British colonists in North America were so grateful for this additional land that when they settled it, they generously paid taxes to the British to pay them back for the expensive war to conquer this territory… ha, just kidding. They rebelled and simply took the territory for themselves.
I live in a city founded by the French and nothing is pronounced the French way. Can’t win.
New Orleans?
There are a lot of them. If you look at a map of North America circa 1950 you’ll see that the vast majority of the interior is French territory. The only reason that it’s under American control now is that the British took it from the French in the 7 years war. The British colonists in North America were so grateful for this additional land that when they settled it, they generously paid taxes to the British to pay them back for the expensive war to conquer this territory… ha, just kidding. They rebelled and simply took the territory for themselves.
Versailles, Kentucky is probably the dumbest one I can think of
Miami, OK - “mee-am-ah.” Notable for being near Picher, the ghost town/superfund site.
About as bad as Cairo (pronounced Karo), IN.
I rarely miss living in that part of the country.
How is it pronounced in Kentucky?
Ver-sales. And they will adamantly “correct” you if you say it right.
De Troit
Denim. Not a town, but still…
Balluhmer, MD
There’s a Buena in New Jersey. Bew-nuh.