Space may be the final frontier, but it’s made in a Hollywood basement.
And Cobain, can you hear the spheres singing songs off Station To Station?
And Alderaan’s not far away, it’s CalifornicationBeautiful
Jimmy cracked corn and i dont care.
Well at least that one made sense from a financial point of view. Usually scenes in the Moon or even Mars would be cheaper to film on site.
any sources to back that claim?
It’s a common joke because the average budget of a sci-fi blockbuster is higher than a typical space mission.
Of course that’s comparing apple’s to oranges at several levels, but that’s why it’s a joke, otherwise Hollywood would have it’s own space program.
ah ok
Hold up, TARS was a animatronic!? That’s so cool, I thought it was full CGI.
Edit- Actually I think it was CASE that landed on Miller with them, oop
Here’s some behind-the-scenes about them
It was manually puppeted most of the time rather than being animatronic, but obviously with all the things that TARS and CASE can do they had to build different props for each one
Awesome thanks for sharing. This movie was a master class.
Tars is real, and he loves you
They’re filming a version in space, but in one day in space is like a dozen years on Earth so it won’t be done until 2187.
Holy fuck
Saw this the other day on prime:
Had to screenshot
Capricorn One was ahead of its time, the whole movie was about the Mars landing being filmed on Earth… completely filmed on Earth.
Nolan really phoning it in. Didn’t even go to another planet?
wait… TARS was an in camera model? what?!
Bullshit. Remember the waves? Like Earth could pull anything like that off.
that’s capitalism for you. they cut so many corners they don’t even shoot on location anymore.
They aren’t even trying anymore eh
I call bullshit
yeah we clearly saw the actor fly through a wormhole and crash on another planet
Big if true 🤔
holy shit, I feel so cheated.